

Dead End Wine Vino Bianco 2020

I got recommended this
Honestly i would have never picked it myself, but the guy pushed me a bit and i was very pleased
Alberto Rigon of Matervi is a young guy that keeps it very local around Vicenza
Grown up working from very young at Maculan
This is 100% Tocai grape macerated and crafted in amphora, but keeping all the fun of drinking Tocai
It's juicy, fresh and deliciously long
I will try to seek for more which is a tough one i am guessing
It goes without saying that it's unfiltered, not clarified and went through a spontaneous fermentation
— 2 years ago

Daniel P., Ron and 3 others liked this


Tainot Tocai Friulano Blend

Love a good pet nat and this is a fun combo of grape. The tint of an autumn sunset, with its golden orange hue, sets the tone for what’s to come. It looks like the color of men’s cologne, and smells like it too. Initially has a pear-like flavor but it quickly morphs into unsweetened apple sauce. Simple, but does the trick. And does it well. — 3 years ago

Jillian Varner
with Jillian


Vesplicito 2020

Explicit wine
Fruit that is simultaneously sour and ripe
Good mineral surrounding
Nice lenght and fun
Good find Mazinga
— 3 years ago

Andrew, Daniel P. and 8 others liked this