Super crisp Riesling — 8 years ago
No 1104 zusammen mit Lothar und Claudia
Gaumenschmeichler, dunkle, reife Beeren, Zwetschge und ein Hauch Lakritz. Intensives Volumen, samtiger langanhaltender Abgang. — 3 years ago
This wine leapt out of the bottle at me in a way that made me think ‘crud this wine has something to say and I don’t know if I’ll like it’. Whatever it was—almost some beer notes? makes some sense being from a country with a month devoted to beer— bounded out of the bottle. On the palate a more restrained refresher. For some reason when I drink this wine I close my eyes and see sea turqoise waves made of cardboard—like the ones in old-time plays that stagehands pull back and forth to emulate ocean waves. Cool and a touch of salinity. Ooh and it just pulled out a bouquet of roses. A little old-school, a little surprising, and always the gentleman this wine is a catch. — 5 years ago
Tasted blind. Beeswax, green apple, tilia and honey. After some time it becomes magnificent, bouquet enriches by honeysuckle and amber with some musk notes. Energetic, crisp and well balanced with high acidity. Lovely long aftertaste that evolves over time. It was the most interesting wine of the evening, no wonder it was named favourite by most of the people. — 4 years ago
Sweet honeysuckle — 6 years ago
Medium resid sugar; so good with cheese . Give me anything w a label so pretty — 9 years ago
Doesn't taste that sweet but :) — 10 years ago
Devin B
Never had Spätlese before. The complex sweetness is amazing, with pear, lilies, peaches, and minerals! Great find. — a year ago