A sweet and full pinot with dark berry and a light smoke to it. — 4 years ago
Very rich and velvety, delicious 😋
Complement very well a stake — 5 months ago
30 months oak. Juicy currents cherries citrus rind, lilt and racy with soft shoulders and tannins; immediately seduced. — 3 years ago
@Delectable Wine The Riesling, not the Silvaner. This site remains a favorite. Made in the Teutonic style, shot through with acid with heady petrol, key lime and pear notes that lilt from the glass. — 7 years ago
Creme brûlée is dominant. There’s a beautiful lilt on the tongue. It’s a little darker than I expect. The nose and flavor are heavenly. Vanilla, nutmeg, creme, butter, smooooooooooooth tannins, all create a wonderful playtime in the mouth. 2015 is a brilliant wine you need to buy and drink immediately. — 6 years ago
Lemony citrus light tangerines, sea salt and honeysuckle nose and a hinyvof young green bell pepper. Semi sweetness with honey honey honey. Nice viscosity, light weight for the honey tongue. Ripe juicy nectarine with a surprising acidic lilt in the lengthy soft finish. Side-by-side tasted with 2015. 2015 is the superior year in that it is a better expression of the grape. — 7 years ago
Ellen Clifford

Salted honeydew on the nose with a touch of golden toast. On the palate, salted greens and fresh white peach salad lilt. So craveable. — 5 months ago