Licorne Méchante

Licorne Méchante

Le Phoque Plonguer Skin-Contact

Got this rec from the Wine Shoppe in Waco, TX when I asked for a funky white - the muscadet grapes are macerated so it’s almost like an orange wine. — 3 years ago


Stellenbosch Red Blend 2001

Méchante bombe de fruit, très générique, hyper riche et aseptisée, mais pourquoi bouder son plaisir. C'est bon une fois de temps en temps. Pas une ride! — 5 years ago

Hanibal, Mario and 1 other liked this

Licorne Méchante

le ours repose Zinfandel 2017

Licorne Mechante (wicked unicorn) is where Les Lune can experiment. When the wines are good, we get some great buys. This Zin, as it goes, is very good. Spiced cherry cola mixology type stuff with cinnamon Hot Tamales and wild berries. — 4 years ago

Severn, Alex and 21 others liked this

Licorne Méchante

Populis Venturi Vineyard Rosé of Carignane

Only rose I love technically not rose — 4 years ago

Licorne Méchante

Le Cri de Loup Carignane

Fruit on the nose, juicy in taste, clean finish — 5 years ago