La Tosa

La Tosa

Sorriso di Cielo Colli Piacentini Malvasia Bianca 2019

Solid for mixed appetizers. A touch oxidized but retains freshness. — 4 years ago

Sarah Bignami
with Sarah
Anthony, Max and 7 others liked this

La Tosa

Colli Piacentini Luna Selvatica Cabernet Sauvignon 2012

Holy cow it's dense chewy and full of structure — 8 years ago

La Tosa

Vignamorello Colli Piacentini Gutturnio 2015

Lovely northern Italian blend of Barbera and Banardas. Cherry with some spice and a long mineral finish. — 6 years ago

P liked this

La Tosa

Vignamorello Gutturnio D.O.C. Superiore Barbera Blend 2015

Favoloso come sempre! Un #GutturnioSuperiore che dovete assolutamente provare. Io oggi lo abbino ad un #hamburger di puledro e #melanzane impanate. — 8 years ago


Azure Ginjo-shu Sake

Smooth, pears, fresh, perfect palate cleanser, tastes good after every course (omakase) — 9 years ago

Tosa Shiragiku


Special Tosa Shiragiku:-) with shabu-shabu! — 6 years ago

Ichiro liked this

La Tosa

Terrafiaba Valnure Frizzante

Great wine! Lots of funky strawberry and fresh berry flavors. Perfect with or without food, needs a slight chill. This is a sparking style wine but only has a slight effervescence. Small winery in Italy. — 6 years ago

La Tosa

Colli Piacentini L'Ora Felice Passito 2015

Very Fruity, smells like vanilla and apples. Finishes great — 9 years ago

Sentou shuzoujou

Tosa Shiragiku Junmai Ginjo Gin no Yuma

Tsuyoshi Enoki

Name:"Tosa Shiragiku ", 土佐しらぎく/
Brewery: Sentou shuzoujou/
Region: Kouchi prefecture /
Cépage: Gin no Yuma/
Category: junmaiginjo unfiltered unpasteurised /
Clear fresh note of peach and apple, smooth attack, vivid acid.
— 10 years ago