Light and zesty but the 2016 feels young. Another year would help — 8 years ago
Very balanced and complex agreed CdP with that damp earth autumnal savory profile. Still lively texture and long finish. Perfect for the small ribs and other dishes for lantern festival dinner at Amahs — 4 years ago
Velvety mature with dark fruit and a hint of black berries — 6 years ago
Delicious Chateauneuf du Pape; still fruity and aromatic despite the bottle age. Characteristically complex, well blended, and pleasurable in every way. Drank very nicely with Thanksgiving dinner. — 8 years ago
Suave y floral. Puede ser que me recuerde al chupachup kojac? Se bebe muy fácil. Ligero y equilibrado. — 5 years ago
Enjoying while remembering a great trip last spring! — 8 years ago
Mike Lev
Lovely & outstanding. Red and black fruit, rich med+ body, wafting aroma of baking spices. — 5 months ago