Helens. Great wine, great value — 8 years ago
Very tannic bordering on alcohol upfront. Finished smooth. Had with 80 day aged ribeye at L’Etoile in Madison, WI. — 6 years ago
Mint, camphor. Ample tannins. 2007 — 10 years ago
This wine is 100% Aglianico, from a 2-hectar plot with 80-year-old vines outside the village of Maschito. The wine is dark purple and a bit cloudy; a hauting minerality of cholrine-alkalinity and bloody notes of iron (although soil minerals don’t necessarily end up in the grape, it is interesting to note that the soil is vulcanic and rich in iron and magnesium), also in the nose is blackcurrant, dark cherries, and vanilla (15 months on oak). On the palate the wine is fruit-driven and has a prominent structure of high acids and very coarse teeth-clinging tannins, the mid-palate is weak, and the finish spicy, green, “liquoricy” and the iron-blood notes lingers for a few seconds. This is no Taurasi, but an interesting and tasty wine. — 4 years ago
Whoa! This one is singing right now. — 8 years ago
Elegant! About $30 at ABC — 12 years ago
Joy Hammons
Wonderful wine - 2016. It didn’t take as long to breathe as I thought it would. — a month ago