Tertiary, salty, savory, apple, quince, grilles pineapple. — 8 months ago
Light-colored and very fragrant. Kirsch, raspberry ooze, crushed rock, light spice. Intensely flavored. Alcohol is listed at 14.5, but because this was served too warm it poked through a bit. I’m sure at “chambre “ temp it would be better. Even too warm, it’s very good, and went so well with our tapas selections. — a month ago
Really nice red/black fruit with medium acidity and spice — 8 months ago
I’ve been told by locals that Montsant is the region that makes Priorat style wines but at a better value (and they don’t mean that euphemistally, they do mean better value). On the map, it almost envelops Priorat. So far, so true. Raspberries and stone fruit predominate. Maybe a touch hot. Didn’t blow my mind, but it’s definitely a competently made wine from good grapes. I will definitely be back for this one. — 10 months ago
240616 finca papá. Garnacha con caracter. — 9 months ago
Tree Kilpatrick
Cool vibes on the label art. Classic euro city. And a tree up above. Murky red/purple color in the glass. Smells like cranberry sauce. (Berries meet citrus peels). Hint of wet shrubs in the forest. Flavors are tart, dry and funky. Bitters. Like in a whiskey ginger. And some berry pies. Or maybe a berry and tart cherry pie. This is as European a wine as there is. Tart, dry, bitter and very dialed down on the fruit bomb and oak vanilla sauce. Tasting it alone it’s very interesting, complex and intriguing. Maybe the true style of Garnatxa… — 11 days ago