At cloudstreet. So tasty! Taste like raisins. — 6 years ago
Mmmmm, simple and herbaceous, a delicate little lovely... — 11 years ago
This is not the rosé! Hopefully that gets corrected shortly. How much love I have for red bubbles. My goth heart jetés. This is all dried herb drawer and dried jam jar. Like seriously the scent of an empty black currant jam jar. There is a hint of sour dairy beguiling me behind. Labeled as demi sec but feels quite dry to me. The tannins have a friendly grip like the soft side of a Velcro enclosure. — 5 years ago
Slightly oxidized, exotically spiced, touch or RS. Fun fun fun. 100% Pineau D’Aunis — 6 years ago
Une légère touche d'oxidatif qui donne au chenin un magnifique mineralité. Un grand vin... — 11 years ago
White pepper on the nose with meaty funk. Strawberry and white pepper on the palate. Smooth and light with no lingering flavors. Delicious and cheap as chips! $9 — 6 years ago
very interesting sparkling red. Lots of black pepper and earthy — 6 years ago
Rena karefa-johnson
Really really yummy. Mineraly — 6 months ago