Just a glorius wine. — 4 years ago
No. 2 in the Chambolle Musigny, Vougeot and Flagey Echezeaux bracket. Tasted blind. Deeper than #1 Purple tinges to the mid to deep Ruby. Raspberry notes again. Latent power. Great length on the palate. There will be much to give after a long stint in the cellar. Very good. After revealing its identity I can agree that Grands Echezeaux is considered a slightly better block than Echezeaux. My highest pointed wine in this bracket just pipping the Mortet Bonnes Mares which was wine #4 — 5 years ago
A disappointing bottle. Decanting it still seemed very tight. Apart from basic burgundy flavors it had none of the prettiness associated with RSV — 2 years ago
Taavi Davies
Excellent, balanced, quite a lot of alcohol and tannin (some sediment in neck of the bottle) — 7 months ago