2005. Drinking the big guns as I’m 50 on the 14th. I feel like James Halliday’s “im drinking this and you’re not”. It’s superb, the complexity is amazing. So youthful still, primary fruit, astounding structure and acid. But the nose, oh man. So seductive, deep and alluring. One of the best Burgs I’ve had in ages. — 5 years ago
Светло золотистый
Интенсивность средняя
Экзотика, ваниль, мёд, косточковые,
Кислотность средняя плюс, косточковые, горчинка лёгкая, баланс отличный, хлеб, кондитерка, мёд , устойчивость средняя — 8 years ago
Best wine at Publix — 4 years ago
Light white!amaze — 5 years ago
Best drop I’ve ever had — 6 years ago
Pretty subtle — 8 years ago
16.5/20 (90/100) Приятный аромат вишни, ежевики, ванили и ментола. Свежее, но при этом мягкое, без резкости во вкусе. Немного нахватает насыщенности во вкусе. Хорошо. — 5 years ago
Alex Lallos
Owner No Limit Fine Wines, Private Wine Consultant
This was a revelation. Never had the producer before but the wine has held up so beautifully. Fresh as can be. Happy @La Paulée — 3 years ago