Love it- eating with bison sausage; Penticton, BC with Pierre — 4 years ago
E molto buono. Vogliamo prendere di nuovo. L’ho trovato all’enoteca di Chambers Vini. E rotondo generalmemte, abbiamo sentito il gusto crudo. E come i vini della spina in Puglia. — 6 years ago
Thick, sweet, syrupy nectar with a touch of walnut and a hint of pepper (from the Semillon). Beautiful amber color. A nice complement to hamachi crudo. — 7 years ago
Crisp, dry, tart and not sweet, pared well with both fresh crudo and wood fire grilled whitefish — a month ago
Ritche vineyard chardonnay.
Pop and pour. A light golden color. On the nose: subtle notes of lemon, apricot, nutty vanilla. Taste: orange peel, lemon, honey, vanilla toast with a medium finish and medium plus acidity keeping it crisp and fresh.
Enjoying with the fresh Langoustines, red shrimp, and raw crudo!
VEGAS BABY!!!!!! "I hate Disneyland, it primes our kids for Las Vegas".... Tom Waits. — 5 years ago
Prudence had this 6 years ago
Thoroughly enjoyed at Restaurant Constance for Janet’s bday celebration!! Paired with Halibut and NY Strip and Hamachi crudo quite nicely!! — 2 years ago
Passionfruit nose. Sweet with a flinty finish. Excellent with albacore tuna crudo. — 6 years ago
ella németh
Smakar som en söt dröm, inslag av honungsmelon och (färgen) grönt. — a month ago