Call me crass if you will, but this smelled like a reindeer ate a whole lot of cherries and roses, and shat it all out. Thankfully we didn't have to taste that - all sweet and plummy on the palate, with a salty edge. Less arousing than the first bottle for me, but more in line with expectations. — 3 years ago
Well this is quite marvelous. Fruity without being crass. A delight. — 4 years ago
I hate that be crass, but FUCK! Like it is 1999! — 9 years ago
A little class. To a world of crass. — 12 years ago
Seth Masterson
Leada with Raspberry and garrigue, also light tar notes. It has a character in the mouth that to me is like a crass between a burgundy and a langhe nebbiolo- very dry fruit, light on the tongue and a good dose of very fine tannins.
Opened at a delightful lunch of ribs by Tony Allen in Rochester — 6 months ago