First wine of our Italy 2017 trip! Enjoying this with an amazing view high above Sorrento. Dark berry, clear, no sediment, medium+ viscosity on the eye. Nose sees tart cranberries, ripe strawberries, copper, some manure. Palette sees almost ripe, raw cherries, medium acid, medium tannins - but a lot more than you'd expect from an Italian wine, perhaps. You also get the feeling of little bubble on your tongue (although these are none). Finish is medium length, medium complexity. The balance of the fruity nose with some interesting inorganic notes paired with a more "straight ahead" Italian red with more tannins is a great combo. An enjoyable start to Campagna! — 8 years ago
At Sotto with Michael barker who r recommended the wine. Lighter acidic from Campagna. Bulls eye. $36 on list. — 10 years ago
Enjoyed with a lovely italian dinner at la campagna. Best eggplant parm and a seafood dish. Fruity but did not overpower. — 4 years ago
At La Campagna, Waltham. Howard’s 70th birthday dinner. 11/3/18. Howard, Sue, Marjorie, Karen, Michael, Nancy, Sid, Louise, John, Lynn, Richard — 6 years ago
this wine is made by Frank Cornelissen in Etna, the fruit is from campagna. wild stuff. a bit of va — 8 years ago
I’m not really sure where the 8.8 ratings for this are coming from - maybe a different vintage - but this wine is fantastic. Great aromas of tropical fruits of all things on the nose, along with melon and maybe a hint of candied lemon. Beautiful mouthfeel with a rich, enveloping flavor profile. Definitely a warmer climate Italian white (from Campagna, so obviously I guess), the wine is impeccably balanced through a lingering finish. Another amazing QPR wine from the folks at Le Volpe e l’uva in Firenze! — 6 years ago
A nice example of aglianico from Giornata in Paso. Blackberries on the nose with hints of earth, even at 7 years and after decanting, this still comes across as pretty youthful on the palate. Not as good as what you’ll find in Campagna...but still pretty tasty, a great match with paparadelle with wild boar ragut at a great Italian restaurant off of Spring Street in Paso...but pales in comparison to the best part of that photo! — 7 years ago
Casa di Campagna 2013 — 10 years ago
This nineteen year old wine was such a trip. Upon opening it was light bodied full of acidity and earthiness, herbs and somewhat spicy, sharp tannins, with a quick finish. About an hour later the wine turned into such a beautiful thing: medium to full bodied, lush, with velvety tannins, more round with hints of sweet red cherry, mocha, lighter earthiness, and a longer finish with a fuller body. Incredible wine from Campagna in Italy. — 2 years ago