Very floral. Some pear and stone fruit. If it was a bit richer or creamy would rate higher — 3 years ago
Smokey and fruity. Tart. Great legs. — 3 years ago
Excellent — a year ago
Pale lemon color.
Aromas of floral, Jasmine, tropical fruit lychee.
Dry. Flavors of white floral, Jasmine, tropical fruit, lychee. A little soapy on the palate.
Intensity: 4/5
Complexity: 2/5
Balance: 4/5
Finish: 4/5 — a year ago
A cor é de vibrante a veludo. O aroma não é muito marcante, mas tem bom corpo. É um excelente vinho e se sente isso no primeiro gole. É bastante equilibrado. Sente-se uma pequena adstringencia nos cantos da língua. Tem notas de madeira e um bom rastro. — 4 years ago
This is a very light wine. Tastes pretty floral and very sweet. I’m getting notes of honeysuckle and maybe some lemon and green apple as well. — a year ago
Harvested from a 1.5 acre vineyard at 7200 feet. Yield: 1.6 tons per acre. 178 cases made. 13.5%. Fruit is not the center but the adornment. But it’s character is centered on minerality and structure. — 3 years ago
Solid Malbec. $8 WG — 4 years ago
Neil Hjorth
High acid, but in the best way. Hint of tropical fruits. Very good — 7 months ago