It feels really thick. It’s kinda good but it tastes like if you mixed normal wine with honey. The flavor is ok but the consistency is not my favorite. Mostly tasting honey and some lychee. — a year ago
It smells a lot like rubbing alcohol but luckily it tastes a lot better. It’s sweet but not too sweet so i like it a lot more than the other ones. Tastes like chocolate a little. — a year ago
Strong fruit aromas right off the bat. Great wine, really refreshing. Notes of lemon and grapefruit. It tastes super fruity so I like it a lot. — a year ago
A lot of flavors going in here. Strong tannins and full bodied. I’m tasting some caramel and maybe some fig and cinnamon. I really like this it’s a good dessert wine. — a year ago
Full bodied red, super dark. Nice mouthfeel and very smooth. Notes of cherry and some spices as well. Really like this wine! — a year ago
Strong tannins. It tastes a little oaky and I’m also getting notes of plum/prune. A little tart but it has aged nicely. I like it. — a year ago
Kelsey Walls
This was a pretty good wine. Really fruity. Getting notes of pear and tropical fruits, especially some pineapple — a year ago