Knowing a little bit about Pax’s vision and sharing his strong belief that California vineyards can whisper poetry, not just belt out arias, this wine is a ten out of ten because it records the whispers perfectly, California Syrah whispers of a successful immigration from the Northern Rhône. — 7 years ago
A pleasant surprise. Mild and smooth with a slight hint of spice — 4 years ago
Baked raspberry and strawberries, minerally river rock smoothness, black cherry, smoky dried cran.
On the palate rich raspberry and cherry candy drive-by, dried cranberry, and violets. Top notch Pinot singing long and loud arias to tug the heartstrings.
#peay #sonomacoast #scallopshelf #pinotnoir #singlevineyard — 4 years ago
Boulevard/Cigar City collab. Gotta say I like this tropical find. Pineapple, lemon and cocoanut nose, orange blossom and marigold. Rich Amber in the glass, active bubbles and midway to opaque. White head and leopard lacing. Honey that winds up into lemon, and finally orange peel. Balanced, and revisits pineapple. No cloying or dominating arias here just a choir of angels holding an endless note. Heavenly! — 9 years ago
Ellen Clifford
Made half of a red grape (Dolcetto) and half white (Cortese) but looks red. It is so rich and spicy. Honestly, it sings in a Negroni or twist of such. It is rich. It’s a mincemeat pie in a flaky butter crust. On the rocks with an orange twist gives arias. I also super dug it with a bit of bubbly (I had a frizzante on hand) and a touch of ice. — 3 months ago