Opened with thise rose only being 1 year old since production and bottling. Great for a picnic or sunny beach day. Mild notes hadn’t developed into complex forms. Strawberry pomegranate notes — 7 months ago
Favorite trader joe’s white wine. Scent fruit forward taste is citrus with minerals and saline back bite. — 10 months ago
good hopin it doesn’t have glyphosates cherry plum tabbacco conifer vinegar — 10 months ago
WORLD CHAMPIONS!! bought this 2 years back and refused to open until I can repeat that first line. Tommy would enjoy the hell out of this Dodger team and teams to come. Boy to we miss his presence. Thought I yield knowing he his enjoying it comfortably with an italian meal and his good wine — 5 months ago
Experience was worth the price of admission. A good blend. Needed a twist off and it served us well at the bowl — 7 months ago
nice dry crisp some salinity. excited to dry it cooler, and would typically let age for another year but ce la vie Day 2 was a vast improvement on the nose honey covered fresh apple and pear nice critic splash in the mouth adult grade lemonade — 10 months ago
Heck yeah , where well with sausage pasta a bit tangy — 6 months ago
almost more of an orange wine zesty with some funk lays down some groovy beats have it with fish or poultry — 6 months ago
Alicante + Grenache, serve chilled! Wondering if the wine has been sitting too long for a natural red but there is a bearable amount of funky notes this wine taste like good red wine possibly from france and look it is I know I’m fantastic smells of wine and taste of wine simply put this is wine edit: actually taste of tart cherries and pomegranate smushed on a used painters paint pallet — 7 months ago
Ryan Kravitz
Deep Deep Purple hue, some notes of cranberry very good used on Christmas Prime Rib and was savored for drinks awhile too would go back to — 3 months ago