Really nice crisp Fendant!! Great wine!! Nice value as well @ CHF 16 per bottle. — 4 years ago
Really nice Ticino Merlot! I’ve had plenty of good ones, but this one is a bit unique - in a good way, but can’t put a finger on it. — 4 years ago
This is a very unique wine from Sicily. I wouldn’t drink it frequently (too light), but really pleasant for an occasional something different. — 4 years ago
I love this wine. I’ve been drinking a lot of European Sauv Blancs and NZs, but this one has a body and mouthfeel that is more full than others. Really nice value for price. — 4 years ago
One of my favorite white wines of all time! Such crisp flavor, with nice oak. — 4 years ago
I have a REALLY hard time finding Swiss Pinot Noir wines that I like, but this meets and surpasses the mark!! It has a great balance of fruit and oak. Most Swiss Pinots are dull and light, but this one has great body. Highly recommended. — 4 years ago
Nice Sauvignon Blanc - typical for this region. I’ve been enjoying the complexity of European Sancerre and Pouilly-Fumé, but this wine is solid. — 4 years ago
A bit bland/neutral on the palate, but a refreshing summer wine nonetheless. — 4 years ago
Never had this varietal previously, but it’s a nice Sardinian red. Something on the nose reminds me of canned pineapple, which is unusual for a red, but it is not picked up on the palate. — 4 years ago
Kurtis Epp
This wine is high in tannins and acidity, so should age well. However, even the 2019 vintage is drinkable now. It’s my first Monastrell and I like it a lot. — 3 years ago