fiddlehead fern, stewed leeks, jolly rancher, baker’s box, softcore flint, hyacinth donut, rutabaga, chimney soot, mica flake, rhubarb pie, mineral water, gemstone, pith, cold snap, cranberry lollipop, stewed Sakura leaves, all in a crimson robe.
fiddlehead fern, stewed leeks, jolly rancher, baker’s box, softcore flint, hyacinth donut, rutabaga, chimney soot, mica flake, rhubarb pie, mineral water, gemstone, pith, cold snap, cranberry lollipop, stewed Sakura leaves, all in a crimson robe.
Dec 23rd, 2022
Surprise of the night! My favorite new world tasting note for Pinot Noir: pickled rhubarb/watermelon. Bright acid, fresh, alive.
Surprise of the night! My favorite new world tasting note for Pinot Noir: pickled rhubarb/watermelon. Bright acid, fresh, alive.
Nov 7th, 2017
Plum on the nose, rounder in body than Duravita, acid in the finish, a bit of tannin. (FKA Iter - so nice to see Jessica's new tasting room!)
Plum on the nose, rounder in body than Duravita, acid in the finish, a bit of tannin. (FKA Iter - so nice to see Jessica's new tasting room!)
Aug 17th, 2017