Decent, not great. Cherry, blackberry, and pired well with pizza with rustic red sauce.
Decent, not great. Cherry, blackberry, and pired well with pizza with rustic red sauce.
Dec 21st, 2019
Plenty of fruity sweetness on the nose. Bit of dried plum, desiccated cherry there too. Deep dark red in color. Flavors are also fruit bombed. But also spicy & nutty. With some Dutch licorice in there too. Nuisance and complexity are there. A berry-licious extravaganza as well. Strange stuff. Maybe best for normally likes the CA style, but hey I’m Italian curious kinda wine drinker.
Plenty of fruity sweetness on the nose. Bit of dried plum, desiccated cherry there too. Deep dark red in color. Flavors are also fruit bombed. But also spicy & nutty. With some Dutch licorice in there too. Nuisance and complexity are there. A berry-licious extravaganza as well. Strange stuff. Maybe best for normally likes the CA style, but hey I’m Italian curious kinda wine drinker.
Nov 6th, 2018