Denis Roudenko
15/20 (86/100) Базовая линейка, аккуратно, сбалансированно, пикниковый вариант
Wine Oh
Typical of this style- jammy, unrefined fruit, muddled flavor. Australian Shiraz is in my mind a take it or leave it wine. I'll leave this one.
Brittany Blunk
Jammy and a bit peppery.
Michael H
Decent Aussie Shiraz
Nikita Erokhin
Мягкий вкус. Сливовый аромат.
Jeremy Everitt
Solid drinkable Shiraz
Andrew Healy
Andrew had this 11 years ago
Adolphus Foo
Wine Director MGM Macau
Adolphus had this 12 years ago
Chris Coye
Chris had this 8 years ago
Samantha Edwards
Samantha had this 8 years ago