Not a balanced cabernet, notes of blackberries and currants, high tannins and high alcohol content
Not a balanced cabernet, notes of blackberries and currants, high tannins and high alcohol content
May 28th, 2016
Tuoksussa kypsän makeaa mustaherukkaa ja tammea. Maku on pureksittavan paksu, leveä, täynnä tummaa marjaa ja mausteista tammea. Nautittu grillatun naudanfileen ja kasvisten kanssa.
Tuoksussa kypsän makeaa mustaherukkaa ja tammea. Maku on pureksittavan paksu, leveä, täynnä tummaa marjaa ja mausteista tammea. Nautittu grillatun naudanfileen ja kasvisten kanssa.
Apr 15th, 2016
(Tasting only) At the tasting event at Kyoto station, the importer strongly recommended this, because the brewer used to make Opus one. I never tried such a expensive wine, but I wanted to try the feeling:-) I like the balance and flourish smell. I ordered this too. In addition, I will try Malbec one from the same vineyard.
(Tasting only) At the tasting event at Kyoto station, the importer strongly recommended this, because the brewer used to make Opus one. I never tried such a expensive wine, but I wanted to try the feeling:-) I like the balance and flourish smell. I ordered this too. In addition, I will try Malbec one from the same vineyard.
Dec 16th, 2015