Tastes vaguely of retsina, and a cheep retsina at that. 2015 vintage, drunk and poured out Aug 2016.
Tastes vaguely of retsina, and a cheep retsina at that. 2015 vintage, drunk and poured out Aug 2016.
Aug 28th, 2016
My thoughtful mummy had this wine waiting for me in the fridge and said she chose it because it would remind me of my recent epic trip to Australia. A beautiful, crisp sauvy plonk which we drank together while I talked her through my holiday photos ☀️🌴
My thoughtful mummy had this wine waiting for me in the fridge and said she chose it because it would remind me of my recent epic trip to Australia. A beautiful, crisp sauvy plonk which we drank together while I talked her through my holiday photos ☀️🌴
Apr 22nd, 2016