Michael Descamps
Very young. Orange blossom water, lavender, white peach, golden apple. Not as rich as in previous years.
Tom Kobylarz
Well made and very good, if any fault too well made. #squeakyclean #somefaultsaddcharacter
Saul Gropman
Owner/Operator Cafe La Haye
Roasted pear and frangipane
Lada lu
中等滑順 橡木桶油滑感 草本味 微芭樂 青脆 餘味幽長
Marcy Simon
Tbis is white chateau Neuf D nit a red
Axel Finger
Chris Morgan
Sommelier The Oceanaire Seafood Room
Chris had this 9 years ago
Stewart Prato
Stewart had this 11 years ago
Vito L.
Vito had this 8 years ago
Robert Mackie
Robert had this 9 years ago