With John and Noelle. Full bodied with licorice and baking spice. Earthy forest floor, rainy skies and brooding mushrooms in the dark. Love.
With John and Noelle. Full bodied with licorice and baking spice. Earthy forest floor, rainy skies and brooding mushrooms in the dark. Love.
Nov 23rd, 2023
Surprisingly good for its age. Once it integrates it will be superb. Good fruits, great structure, nice acidic pop on the finish; similar to classic burgundies, a layers of dimensions that is sure to get better with time.
Surprisingly good for its age. Once it integrates it will be superb. Good fruits, great structure, nice acidic pop on the finish; similar to classic burgundies, a layers of dimensions that is sure to get better with time.
Apr 14th, 2016