My first try at the haute côtes des villages. And a formidable one. Pillot knows what he is doing. Lemon yogurt (but better texture), chalk and a whiff of every citrus you could imagine squeezed in. Hearty. Friggin’... I know a lot of higher level chards are out there but the balance of this? Love it. This is the movie you expect to distain and love it. Chardonnay equals the Expendables? Aka the last movie I expected nothing from yet LOVED? That is this. Balance and a smidge of roughness. Dang it’s good.
My first try at the haute côtes des villages. And a formidable one. Pillot knows what he is doing. Lemon yogurt (but better texture), chalk and a whiff of every citrus you could imagine squeezed in. Hearty. Friggin’... I know a lot of higher level chards are out there but the balance of this? Love it. This is the movie you expect to distain and love it. Chardonnay equals the Expendables? Aka the last movie I expected nothing from yet LOVED? That is this. Balance and a smidge of roughness. Dang it’s good.
Jul 22nd, 2018
Really good, exceeded expectations, from the village known for new oak barrel construction comes a steely wine
Really good, exceeded expectations, from the village known for new oak barrel construction comes a steely wine
Oct 28th, 2017