J. B. Becker
Wallufer Walkenberg Kabinett Riesling

Steadfast and firm. Never meant to wow the crowd. More like it was meant to wear people down until they believed in it. I believe.
Steadfast and firm. Never meant to wow the crowd. More like it was meant to wear people down until they believed in it. I believe.
Apr 1st, 201515.5/20 (86/100) Вино со зрелым букетом ароматов сушеных яблок и груш, изюма, фиников, корицы, зеленого чая, апельсиновых цукатов и песочного печенья. Довольно тельное, даже маслянистое, с высокой кислотностью. Послевкусие непродолжительное. Взрослое вино на любителя.
15.5/20 (86/100) Вино со зрелым букетом ароматов сушеных яблок и груш, изюма, фиников, корицы, зеленого чая, апельсиновых цукатов и песочного печенья. Довольно тельное, даже маслянистое, с высокой кислотностью. Послевкусие непродолжительное. Взрослое вино на любителя.
Dec 26th, 2017
Divine. Gasoline, beeswax with a hint of acidity hanging on. Wonderful.
Divine. Gasoline, beeswax with a hint of acidity hanging on. Wonderful.
Sep 27th, 2017
Took some time to really open up. Golden yellow in color. Initially very big petrol-like nose which faded over 2-3 hours. As it evolved, the wine displayed notes of lemon peel and an earthy funk with a strong core minerality that slightly overshadowed the fruit. Delicious
Took some time to really open up. Golden yellow in color. Initially very big petrol-like nose which faded over 2-3 hours. As it evolved, the wine displayed notes of lemon peel and an earthy funk with a strong core minerality that slightly overshadowed the fruit. Delicious
Mar 28th, 2016
raw almond skin on nose, bracing acidity and salt hit the tongue immediately, followed by a pecan pie, toffee-esque finish that demands you to taste again and again.
raw almond skin on nose, bracing acidity and salt hit the tongue immediately, followed by a pecan pie, toffee-esque finish that demands you to taste again and again.
Aug 8th, 2015Hits the spot! Surprisingly advanced bottle.
Hits the spot! Surprisingly advanced bottle.
Aug 5th, 2015