decanted this young bottle in a quart container and drank out of pint glasses in a hong kong style restaurant. warm breezy tide pool on the nose with some ripe apricot skin. patina'd brassy color, like a belgian beer. what fun. — 9 years ago
super dry, big body, and begging for yakitori or a hamburger. color was yellow like those tinted prescription glasses that jeff goldblum sometimes wore. could drink this all night. yee-haw! — 9 years ago
its sea spray minerality paired well with my cheap, room-temperature congealed pizza-by-the-slice topped with canned spinach and fake parmesan. high acid. needless to say, i am DOWN WITH THE CYCNUS — 9 years ago
really enjoyed this, popped it in the fridge for 30 minutes, watched two movies in my dark living room and ate cookies while drinking this accessible jura blend. — 9 years ago
comes in a pretty pink bottle, slightly aged, has a bit of lychee tanginess, but is still dry and food-friendly enough. is very quick to vanish from your palate. not as 'feminine' as one might think. — 9 years ago
i like the story behind this obscure wine, but it sits around on my palate like cooking oil on a kitchen tile, smells a bit vinegar-y, and makes me want to mop my brow. — 9 years ago
unpasteurized (nama) and undiluted (genshu) making for a big bodied blue-collar sake in a cute little can. nearly 20% abv, this is a sake for heavy comfort food. what else could you want?? — 9 years ago
dry, full bodied, and easy enough to drink on its own sans food. slight malic acid apple juice concentrate taste. drank while smoking in saburi during their final nights. bartender momo's choice. — 9 years ago
standard table alsatian gewurtz, think this was getting a little old. found it in my dad's cellar from his military trips to france/germany. — 9 years ago
zac zellers
nice value for something that drinks like a weirdo loire chenin blanc. full bodied, high abv, apple skin. drank with macaroni & cheese while watching animé. sugoi! — 8 years ago