Gutierrez Colosia
Fino Elcano Jerez-Xérès-Sherry Palomino Fino
El Puerto de Santa María, Jerez, Andalucía, Spain
Palomino Fino
Top Notes For
Crisp & lively. Delicate citrus/white fruit character on the nose w pretty pronounced blanched almond flavors
Crisp & lively. Delicate citrus/white fruit character on the nose w pretty pronounced blanched almond flavors
Oct 13th, 2021Tannic, herbal tea, flor driven palette. Have not determined if this is the style or indications of wear.
Bottled 10/2016?
Tannic, herbal tea, flor driven palette. Have not determined if this is the style or indications of wear.
Bottled 10/2016?
Favorite producer in Jerez. Fino Elcano changed my life.
Favorite producer in Jerez. Fino Elcano changed my life.
Jun 8th, 2014