Черная смородина, побеги, почка, сладкая вишня, мята, ментол, удивительный, совершенно непохожий на Бароло аромат. Вкус полный, фруктовый, танины ок. 17.5/20 (94/100)
Черная смородина, побеги, почка, сладкая вишня, мята, ментол, удивительный, совершенно непохожий на Бароло аромат. Вкус полный, фруктовый, танины ок. 17.5/20 (94/100)
Jun 16th, 2014
1997 Vintage of Gianni Gagliardo Barolo Nebbiolo. Beautiful dark brown with a slight orange color on the rim. Flora with a hint of Cinnamon. Full bodied. Had it on my 2017 birthday.
1997 Vintage of Gianni Gagliardo Barolo Nebbiolo. Beautiful dark brown with a slight orange color on the rim. Flora with a hint of Cinnamon. Full bodied. Had it on my 2017 birthday.
Jul 22nd, 2017
Balsamic, aromatic, mushrooms, smoked, cloves, cinnamom. Elegant, fresh and fruity, good tannins and persistence
Balsamic, aromatic, mushrooms, smoked, cloves, cinnamom. Elegant, fresh and fruity, good tannins and persistence
Jul 9th, 2014
Even at 33% off on special ($65 down from $96), I have had better Barolo's for $40.
Even at 33% off on special ($65 down from $96), I have had better Barolo's for $40.
Aug 4th, 2013