High minerality, saline, lush and full bodied. Extremely refined would make many grand and premier grand cru burgundies blush.
High minerality, saline, lush and full bodied. Extremely refined would make many grand and premier grand cru burgundies blush.
May 1st, 2024
Wonderfully Smokey, drinks great, fwd gantenbein, lucky I have a case and don’t need to drink it.
Wonderfully Smokey, drinks great, fwd gantenbein, lucky I have a case and don’t need to drink it.
Jun 1st, 2020
Drinks very nicely, wood not fully incorporated, is comparable to a big chassagne. If you are lucky to get a couple of bottles, forget them for 5 to 6 years.
Drinks very nicely, wood not fully incorporated, is comparable to a big chassagne. If you are lucky to get a couple of bottles, forget them for 5 to 6 years.
May 22nd, 2020