Foreau - Domaine du Clos Naudin

Goutte D'Or Moelleux Vouvray Chenin Blanc

9.57 ratings
101 pro ratings
Vouvray, Touraine, Loire Valley, France
Chenin Blanc
Top Notes For
Mario Vaillancourt

Couleur presque brune, un nez incroyable, du fruit confit, une texture sirupeuse un peu, il y a encore de l’acidité pour aider à balancer un peu cette richesse extravagante, la longueur est interminable. Belle expérience d’en boire un verre ou deux. 93-94

Almost brown in colour, the nose is amazingly complex, the texture is almost like syrup, there is still some acidity to balance that richness that is almost too much, and the sugar is wow, but it is still delicious and the length never stops, great experience to drink this wine that was made in only 4 vintages.

Couleur presque brune, un nez incroyable, du fruit confit, une texture sirupeuse un peu, il y a encore de l’acidité pour aider à balancer un peu cette richesse extravagante, la longueur est interminable. Belle expérience d’en boire un verre ou deux. 93-94

Almost brown in colour, the nose is amazingly complex, the texture is almost like syrup, there is still some acidity to balance that richness that is almost too much, and the sugar is wow, but it is still delicious and the length never stops, great experience to drink this wine that was made in only 4 vintages.

Jun 26th, 2022
François Dedieu

François had this 9 years ago

François had this 9 years ago

Oct 25th, 2015
Sylvain Rhainds

Sylvain had this 5 years ago

Sylvain had this 5 years ago

Jul 5th, 2020
Sylvain Rhainds

Sylvain had this 5 years ago

Sylvain had this 5 years ago

Jul 5th, 2020
Benoit Duhamel

Benoit had this 5 years ago

Benoit had this 5 years ago

Jul 5th, 2020
Benoit Duhamel

Benoit had this 5 years ago

Benoit had this 5 years ago

Jul 5th, 2020

Hanibal had this 6 years ago

Hanibal had this 6 years ago

Aug 23rd, 2019