Leora Pearl Madden
Silky smooth. Only 8 bottles left. Better grab one before I drink it all! #pearlwineco
Ricardo Monterrubio
Nota a madera, dulce y ligero frutal, mejora con el airador para hacerlo más redondo
Gerry Ryan
Sublime and full bodied. Enjoyed with some lamb shanks.
Jill Hulsing
Jill had this 7 years ago
Alec Humes
Alec had this 7 years ago
Ray Farrelly
Ray had this 8 years ago
Sean Clancy
Sean had this 8 years ago
Anthony Hughes
Anthony had this 8 years ago
Petranna Jones
Petranna had this 8 years ago
Johnny Carver
Johnny had this 8 years ago