Super horsey and very barnyardy nose. Some incense, leather and berry fruit as well. But man Mr. Ed in effect. Palate is juicy and vibrant with less horse and nice sophisticated elegance. A bit short as well. Tannins big. Age did not do this any favors.
At 2 hours this has come together. 8.7 to 8.9. Tannins still a bit blowsy at the end. But good fruit.
Super horsey and very barnyardy nose. Some incense, leather and berry fruit as well. But man Mr. Ed in effect. Palate is juicy and vibrant with less horse and nice sophisticated elegance. A bit short as well. Tannins big. Age did not do this any favors.
At 2 hours this has come together. 8.7 to 8.9. Tannins still a bit blowsy at the end. But good fruit.
Dec 11th, 2021
Friendly tannins, light spices to complement to understated red fruit. Easy drinking but needs some air for the flavors to express themselves.
Friendly tannins, light spices to complement to understated red fruit. Easy drinking but needs some air for the flavors to express themselves.
Sep 8th, 2019