Big, bold, and in your face. The aromatics come screaming out of this with the intensity of a hot Napa day. Blackberries, plums, chocolate, vanilla, a bit of cola. The scents are hiding anything either as the juice itself is similar in profile. Everything is ripe. The 2017 is ready to drink and does not need decanting. I was expecting a bit more structure and acidic strength but it’s mostly round. Not a bad thing, we enjoyed it all the same. Good lingering finish.
Big, bold, and in your face. The aromatics come screaming out of this with the intensity of a hot Napa day. Blackberries, plums, chocolate, vanilla, a bit of cola. The scents are hiding anything either as the juice itself is similar in profile. Everything is ripe. The 2017 is ready to drink and does not need decanting. I was expecting a bit more structure and acidic strength but it’s mostly round. Not a bad thing, we enjoyed it all the same. Good lingering finish.
Jul 5th, 2023