Cathy Corison
Owner/Winemaker Corison Winery
Honey. Baked apples. Broad. Brown sugar.
web bond
Tom Elliot
Founder Northwest Wines
Really nice, spicy red berries. Delightful.
Davide Gilioli
Great experience in Mosel...
Peter James
Day 7
Dominant honey and acidity to carry the sugar.
Brian Franke
Apricot with funk at the end
Michael Piaker
20 February 2016. Rieslingfeier Gränd Tasting, Back Label Wine Merchants, New York, NY.
Andre Rodrigues
Ótima acidez regulando o residual. Não conhecia e gostei bastante.
Jessica Walkup
Very rich, "muscular" excellent pairing with sushi!