A fond farewell to the 20th century--1999s came on like gangbusters at first, but were also rather clumsy, clunky #Rieslings when they first hit the market in 2000. However, patience and plenty of #bottleaging have spawned some real gems and this #Loosen #Prälat knocked our socks off!
Don't rush to drink it all up--it's got loads of life ahead of it! #1999 #ErdenerPrälat #Auslese
A fond farewell to the 20th century--1999s came on like gangbusters at first, but were also rather clumsy, clunky #Rieslings when they first hit the market in 2000. However, patience and plenty of #bottleaging have spawned some real gems and this #Loosen #Prälat knocked our socks off!
Don't rush to drink it all up--it's got loads of life ahead of it! #1999 #ErdenerPrälat #Auslese
May 28th, 2015