Flinty, minerally, salty. Needs more time but a very fine Riesling with a long burn
Flinty, minerally, salty. Needs more time but a very fine Riesling with a long burn
Jun 2nd, 2024
Classic Delchen, medium bodied, flint, salty very elegant, long burn wait.
Classic Delchen, medium bodied, flint, salty very elegant, long burn wait.
Feb 2nd, 2021
Incredible GG. Clementine, Thai basil, grapefruit zest..
Incredible GG. Clementine, Thai basil, grapefruit zest..
1 person found it helpfulDec 15th, 2023
Look for GG with German wines which basically means Grand Cru. Fantastic, dry. Great flavour
Look for GG with German wines which basically means Grand Cru. Fantastic, dry. Great flavour
Jan 2nd, 2020