Tasted blind and brought by a very generous friend. These wines would be a splurge for almost anyone but this is one of the few wines at this price point that I’ve had that lives up to the hype. The perfect Chardonnay for my palate and probably the best Chard I’ve ever had up to this point. Just the right amount of reduction, fruit, and acid that was absolutely singing on the day it was opened. An experience I won’t soon forget.
Tasted blind and brought by a very generous friend. These wines would be a splurge for almost anyone but this is one of the few wines at this price point that I’ve had that lives up to the hype. The perfect Chardonnay for my palate and probably the best Chard I’ve ever had up to this point. Just the right amount of reduction, fruit, and acid that was absolutely singing on the day it was opened. An experience I won’t soon forget.
Nov 1st, 2023