Unmistakably old world. All savoury on the nose - truffle, cedar, salami, and spices. Palate is medium bodied but robust. Perfect balance between red/dark fruit, and savoury notes. Quite tannic. Still young! Amazing p/q.
Unmistakably old world. All savoury on the nose - truffle, cedar, salami, and spices. Palate is medium bodied but robust. Perfect balance between red/dark fruit, and savoury notes. Quite tannic. Still young! Amazing p/q.
Oct 31st, 2022
2012. Better in five years. Formally a grand cru hundreds of years ago, recently returned to greatness. Fixin is generally not my style, but this is special.
2012. Better in five years. Formally a grand cru hundreds of years ago, recently returned to greatness. Fixin is generally not my style, but this is special.
Jun 26th, 2015