This was the most controversial wine of the night (would not be a Burgundy tasting without one lol) , some had it 100% premox, others thought it was just tired. Blind I would have thought it to be Lopez Heredia Rioja Blanco. That is a totally enjoyable wine made in an oxidized style. Burgundy does not make oxidized wines as a style (not counting Burgubdy varietals in Jura), so while this wine was drinkable and enjoyable it fails in that I personally would have preferred true Chassagne, not oxidized Chassagne.
This was the most controversial wine of the night (would not be a Burgundy tasting without one lol) , some had it 100% premox, others thought it was just tired. Blind I would have thought it to be Lopez Heredia Rioja Blanco. That is a totally enjoyable wine made in an oxidized style. Burgundy does not make oxidized wines as a style (not counting Burgubdy varietals in Jura), so while this wine was drinkable and enjoyable it fails in that I personally would have preferred true Chassagne, not oxidized Chassagne.
Mar 29th, 2015