Not typical of Grenache… monstrous and all over the place. Took three days to smooth out and become drinkable. Had it for Halloween so somewhat appropriate and trick’s on me.
Not typical of Grenache… monstrous and all over the place. Took three days to smooth out and become drinkable. Had it for Halloween so somewhat appropriate and trick’s on me.
Nov 1st, 2022
This 2009 was perfection!!
This 2009 was perfection!!
Dec 30th, 2019
Sexy, full-bodied, red. Black plum, black cherry, blackberries, and dark chocolate on the palate. Fantastic with roasted rack of lamb.
Sexy, full-bodied, red. Black plum, black cherry, blackberries, and dark chocolate on the palate. Fantastic with roasted rack of lamb.
Dec 17th, 2018
Sexy, full-bodied, red wine. Notes of blackberries, black plums, black cherries, and dank chocolate. Fantastic with roasted rack of lamb.
Sexy, full-bodied, red wine. Notes of blackberries, black plums, black cherries, and dank chocolate. Fantastic with roasted rack of lamb.
Dec 17th, 2018
Hot. Sweet. 15.2%. Horrible.
Hot. Sweet. 15.2%. Horrible.
Sep 2nd, 2018
Has a nice heavy spice end note. I like it
Has a nice heavy spice end note. I like it
Mar 18th, 2018
Weird... good but weird.
Sep 9th, 2017
What a pleasant surprise to find Others again. Fond memories of this gem when it was the "red wine" liberally poured at the Discovery Ball years ago. Finally got to share it with my girl.
What a pleasant surprise to find Others again. Fond memories of this gem when it was the "red wine" liberally poured at the Discovery Ball years ago. Finally got to share it with my girl.
Jun 4th, 2017
Wine I forgot, that label though...
Wine I forgot, that label though...
May 20th, 2017
Served with dinner at my wedding. 2009 still pouring very well.
Served with dinner at my wedding. 2009 still pouring very well.
Apr 29th, 2017