Super! J'adore, un sauvignon frais, tendu, juste ce qu'il faut de minéral, pas trop de fruit ou d'arôme lourd, á boire sans fin
Super! J'adore, un sauvignon frais, tendu, juste ce qu'il faut de minéral, pas trop de fruit ou d'arôme lourd, á boire sans fin
Sep 19th, 2015
Super drinkable, this is currently one of the house white wines at the wine bar at Dirty Bird fried chicken on 14th st. Go there.
Super drinkable, this is currently one of the house white wines at the wine bar at Dirty Bird fried chicken on 14th st. Go there.
Oct 9th, 2016
22 September 2016. Verre de Terre, New York, NY.
22 September 2016. Verre de Terre, New York, NY.
Sep 22nd, 2016
Light, enlightened; the duplicate of having many small insects lift my tongue by so many gossamer threads of tangy saliva, lifting its moist mass to a divine dryness.
Light, enlightened; the duplicate of having many small insects lift my tongue by so many gossamer threads of tangy saliva, lifting its moist mass to a divine dryness.
Apr 23rd, 2015