Popped and poured; consumed over two days. Best on day two. The 2019 “Ca’ del Buc” pours a slightly glass staining ruby; medium+ viscosity. On the nose, this is funky tart plums and cherries and something reminiscent of an alleyway on a warm day…but in a good way. On the palate, the wine is dry with medium tannin and medium+ acid. Tart dark and red fruits with minerals. Lip smacking finish. This is a rustic Barbera and a killer value with unmistakable Piedmontese sensibilities. I’m grabbing a case.
Popped and poured; consumed over two days. Best on day two. The 2019 “Ca’ del Buc” pours a slightly glass staining ruby; medium+ viscosity. On the nose, this is funky tart plums and cherries and something reminiscent of an alleyway on a warm day…but in a good way. On the palate, the wine is dry with medium tannin and medium+ acid. Tart dark and red fruits with minerals. Lip smacking finish. This is a rustic Barbera and a killer value with unmistakable Piedmontese sensibilities. I’m grabbing a case.
Apr 8th, 2022