Вечер был чудесный и без вина. А с этим вином звезды сошлись. Счастье пить.
Вечер был чудесный и без вина. А с этим вином звезды сошлись. Счастье пить.
Aug 23rd, 2021
Light, easy to enjoy, not sophisticated but still nice.
Light, easy to enjoy, not sophisticated but still nice.
Sep 24th, 2017
3rd bottle, first night in Venice.
3rd bottle, first night in Venice.
Aug 6th, 2017
Has a little spice. Dry as well. Really enjoyed it in Venice!
Has a little spice. Dry as well. Really enjoyed it in Venice!
Aug 6th, 2017
Vatican City.
May 30th, 2017
Spicy and earthy, goes great with Pizza.
Spicy and earthy, goes great with Pizza.
Dec 29th, 2016
Просто и вкусно)) под сериальчик отлично подходит
Просто и вкусно)) под сериальчик отлично подходит
Jun 22nd, 2016
Легкое, фруктовое, вкусное кьянти
Легкое, фруктовое, вкусное кьянти
Feb 16th, 2016
Very fruity Chianti. Not digging this. Dry and sweet...kinda like gym class when you play dodgeball and you hit the slow kid in the class in the head and break his bi-focals.
Very fruity Chianti. Not digging this. Dry and sweet...kinda like gym class when you play dodgeball and you hit the slow kid in the class in the head and break his bi-focals.
Dec 26th, 2015
Dry and a little austere. Pleasant though.
Dry and a little austere. Pleasant though.
Sep 4th, 2015