The first taste was tart, surprising! But as you sip the complexities of a clean, zesty Chardonnay escape the palate. Would be outstanding with fish, or just to enjoy on a warm summer evening with friends. Really outstanding finish and not at all woodsy. More citrus! Yum!
The first taste was tart, surprising! But as you sip the complexities of a clean, zesty Chardonnay escape the palate. Would be outstanding with fish, or just to enjoy on a warm summer evening with friends. Really outstanding finish and not at all woodsy. More citrus! Yum!
Aug 11th, 2016
Absolutely stupendous! Paired with pan-seared sea bass with rosemary, garlic,orange zest and butter sauce. Chardonnay with flavors of lemon, mandarin, and citrus zest. Perfect pairing!
Absolutely stupendous! Paired with pan-seared sea bass with rosemary, garlic,orange zest and butter sauce. Chardonnay with flavors of lemon, mandarin, and citrus zest. Perfect pairing!
May 1st, 2016