The first taste was tart, surprising! But as you sip the complexities of a clean, zesty Chardonnay escape the palate. Would be outstanding with fish, or just to enjoy on a warm summer evening with friends. Really outstanding finish and not at all woodsy. More citrus! Yum! — 9 years ago
Fantastic! Not a true Chardonnay, but rather a sweet blend of a would've been Chardonnay and fume blanc. Smooth and surprising. Love the caramel and buttery notes and the golden color. — 9 years ago
I didn't care for this at all. Much like a Chablis and zin, not appealing enough for a second glass. And I tried! — 8 years ago
Not a favorite but not terrible. A bit too acidic and minerally for my taste. Will probably end up as a cooking wine but I'll give it another shot! Good wine deal. — 9 years ago
A great rose that is not sweet and does not leave a saccharine aftertaste. Perfect with a light sole or flaky white fish fillet. Yum! — 9 years ago
A nice Chardonnay that borders on sweet, snappy. It has a lingering tartness that I didn't expect! Lots of melon and pineapple-type flavors. Went well with yellowtail. 👍🏻 — 8 years ago
Pretty good every day Pinot. Very soft on the palate with immediate notes of black cherry and cinnamon, not heavy bodied at all. A little spicy at the end, would go well with BBQ!
— 9 years ago
Super good for the price. Buttery, rich and subtle. If you like this you'll love Carmenet, also a decent price. — 9 years ago
Jennifer Marcucci
I really love the fruit-forward but finishing oak and vanilla notes. Almost caramel. Very buttery with just the right amount of spice. — 8 years ago