Lovely apricot finish, and still so young and vibrant! So delicate for a Moelleux. (Did my iPhone seriously just auto-complete "Moelleux"?)
Lovely apricot finish, and still so young and vibrant! So delicate for a Moelleux. (Did my iPhone seriously just auto-complete "Moelleux"?)
Aug 13th, 2014
Honey, grapefruit and pear. Sweet but not cloyingly. A hint of saffron on the finish. A lovely end to a lovely night.
Honey, grapefruit and pear. Sweet but not cloyingly. A hint of saffron on the finish. A lovely end to a lovely night.
Jul 15th, 2019
Still drinking the 89 while storing at temps rainging from 50 to 90 degrees F for the last 22 years. 2 bottles left. Not one bottle in all thes years was less than perfect. I would rate it as a 98.5, but, i am no expert. I have had great assulase, tokaji aszu and chateau d'Yquem but, for the price i paid (20$/bottle), it far exceeds the others. It is now a medium amber color complex fruity tones great finish. I feel sad when the last drop leaves my teast buds. I also have a few of the 90's to us as a comparison. They are a distant second.
Still drinking the 89 while storing at temps rainging from 50 to 90 degrees F for the last 22 years. 2 bottles left. Not one bottle in all thes years was less than perfect. I would rate it as a 98.5, but, i am no expert. I have had great assulase, tokaji aszu and chateau d'Yquem but, for the price i paid (20$/bottle), it far exceeds the others. It is now a medium amber color complex fruity tones great finish. I feel sad when the last drop leaves my teast buds. I also have a few of the 90's to us as a comparison. They are a distant second.
May 27th, 2018
Phenomenal Vouvray...despite the unexpected mid acidity, this wine performed impeccably with yellow apple, apricot, and other signs of slow oxidation.
Phenomenal Vouvray...despite the unexpected mid acidity, this wine performed impeccably with yellow apple, apricot, and other signs of slow oxidation.
Nov 19th, 2016