Matt Nason
Kinda Juraish, tart baked applyness
Wendy Narby
A Meursault from Bordeaux varietals
Sb seボルドーブランかなり樽が効いてる。セミヨンのふくよかさがいい感じだがとても濃いので食事とよりはこれだけで飲みたい
Jeff Clavier
Told it's one of the best vintages for Aile d'Argent - pretty incredible
jesus g
Hospitality Schramsberg Vineyards
jesus had this 7 years ago
Bob Bath
Master Sommelier & Educator CIA Greystone
Bob had this 7 years ago
Patrice Conxicoeur
Patrice had this 4 years ago
EeWei Teoh
EeWei had this 5 years ago
Don Ho
Don had this 5 years ago